2022 Tumbler Ridge Business & Resource Directory

2022 Tumbler Ridge Business & Resource Directory

The Economic Development department produces an annual printed business and resource directory and the new addition has just arrived in Tumbler Ridge! If you would like copies of the guide and a brochure holder to display and distribute at your business please contact...
Community Grant Writer for Tumbler Ridge

Community Grant Writer for Tumbler Ridge

UPDATED: Kalli Hopper is no longer able to assist with grant writing. For assistance with grant writing please contact edo@dtr.ca or call town hall and speak to one of the Economic Development Team – Terese or Jessie. The District of Tumbler Ridge, with the...
District of Tumbler Ridge Design Guidelines

District of Tumbler Ridge Design Guidelines

PROJECT PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND- Tumbler Ridge’s design guidelines were prepared in 2006- The District is in the process of updating these guidelines to address changes that have occurred in the community since the original guidelines were prepared PURPOSE OF THE...