Health Care Professionals Wanted!
Tumbler Ridge Community Health Centre, is a Northern Health diagnostic and treatment centre that is home to medical, optometric, ambulance, public health, social services and emergency care. We also have a well maintained runway and helicopter services in Tumbler Ridge to quickly evacuate medical emergencies to larger centres. To complement existing services, we are currently seeking additional nurses (all specialties), counsellors and paramedics. Please contact Northern Health directly to inquire about these opportunities.
As an innovative community Tumbler Ridge, in partnership with Northern Health have found creative solutions to facilitate the growth and diversification of health and wellness services in the community. As such, the health centre complex already hosts a number of private health care providers that include a part-time optometrist, child speech pathologist and full-time Registered Massage Therapist (RMT).

Our relatively small population comprises active, health-conscious people who regularly participate in a range of active indoor and outdoor pursuits throughout the year. These are people who have consistently demonstrated a need for a range of “alternative” health providers such as chiropractors, physiotherapists and naturopaths. We have additional opportunities for many independent alternative health care professionals. Our existing alternative health providers are consistently busy and many customers currently have to leave town to receive the treatment they need. Full-time and part-time opportunities in Tumbler Ridge include, but are not limited to: Nurses; · Paramedics; · Councellors (all specialties); · Physiotherapists; · Chiropractors; · Naturopaths.
The economic development office is here to respond to enquiries and to provide information that you may need in order to make an informed decision. We are happy to work with prospective health care providers without obligation and also to work with you to make your move to Tumbler Ridge as easy as possible. Please contact us with your relocation questions and for assistance. More specific technical questions should be directed to Northern Health
What People Say

“The most rewarding aspect of working in Tumbler Ridge is being part of a dedicated team of professionals who work together for the benefit of the patient, and being in a facility where we are under one roof and therefore able to communicate easily with each other. Throw in the amazing mountain and waterfall surroundings, with all our trails and our dinosaur attractions, and the opportunity to raise a family in this environment, and you realize that life cannot get any better. That is why I have worked in Tumbler Ridge for the past 25 years.”
– Dr. Charles Helm, Family Physician

“As a newcomer to Tumbler Ridge, my complementary health practice was an instant success. The spectacular beauty of the surroundings produces an active, outdoorsy clientele of all ages. I chose this community because it is affordable, peaceful and welcoming.”
– Yvonne Poulin, RMT
Business Opportunities
In addition to several “mainstream” Northern Health medical opportunities in Tumbler Ridge, our growing population of active, outdoorsy residents and visitors are seeking independent, alternative health practitioners such as physiotherapists, naturopaths and chiropractors. There is high and sustained demand for such services. Northern Health have demonstrated an open minded and collaborative approach to working with the municipality to accommodate a more diverse range of health practitioners.
Please contact Northern Health directly or the economic development office at the District of Tumbler Ridge for more information.
Early Childhood Educators, teaching support staff and Licensed Daycare providers:
Tumbler Ridge has a young population with a significantly lower median age that the province – 39 years of age compared to 43 years. Our school population has grown substantially (12% increase in 2017 alone) and our preschool and child care facilities are already at capacity. Opportunities include, but are not limited to:
- ECE qualified staff (and those working towards this qualification). Qualified staff would create the additional capacity that is currently needed;
- Teaching support staff and teachers-on-call
- Licensed day care providers to provide quality child care for working families.