Looking to start your own business? We are here to help!
The economic development office works closely with many local, regional, provincial and federal partners to deliver the services, programs and campaigns that directly benefit Tumbler Ridge.
This section is dedicated to providing information that will assist you in investing or starting a business in Tumbler Ridge. We have made every effort to provide the necessary information; however, we are only a phone call or email away should you need additional information or assistance. Contact us at 1-250-242-4242 / Email.

Business License Resources
This page is a wealth of information for those looking to get down to business in Tumbler Ridge.
A wide variety of services are available from the following local, regional and provincial partners:
Tumbler Ridge Chamber of Commerce
Jerrilyn Kirk, Manager
Phone: (250) 242-3620
Email: tumblerchamber@gmail.com
Community Futures Peace Liard
Sue Kenny, General Manager
Phone: (250) 782-8748
Email: skenny@communityfutures.biz
Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
Tamara Danshin, Regional Manager-Northeast
Phone: (250) 261-2091
Email: Tamara.Danshin@gov.bc.ca
Love Tumbler Ridge
Tumbler Ridge Global Geopark

The District of Tumbler Ridge sustains some of the lowest residential and business tax rates in British Columbia while maintaining exceptionally high municipal service levels. Higher levels of taxation are paid by our heavy industries such as our mining companies which allows the community to reinvest in infrastructure and service provision.